How to set up for a big bench press

Fix Your Bench Set Up

Muscles themselves cannot push, they can only pull. A pushing movement is the result of your body acting as a system of levers, so if you want a big bench, you need to take advantage of TENSION. Here is what I look for in a good bench set up.

  1. Consistent hand placement. This is where it starts, use the rings on the bar as a reference. The ideal grip position is going to be different for everyone, it is going to vary based on the length of your arms, and where your strong points are. To find the spot that is most comfortable, start with your pinky on the rings, and move in our out one to two finger widths at a time. Find that comfortable spot and stick with it.

  2. Get up on your traps. Many people think an arch is simply for a decreased range of motion or “cheating”, but you really want to get into an arched position to maximize tension and leverages. It will allow you to utilize your lats more effectively have more external rotation in the shoulder.

  3. Get your feet on the floor and settled BEFORE your glutes are settled on the bench. This keeps a constant line of tension from your traps down through your quads. If you have an issue with your butt coming off the bench while pressing, this will be especially helpful for you. When you settle your glutes before your feet, you are creating a gap, so that when you try to use leg drive it drives your butt off the bench instead of driving the force up through your body into your traps.

Eian Birtcher