The Power Of Goals

Lisa Miller

A goal by definition is the object of a person's ambition or effort; an aim or desired resultS

Have you ever felt lost on your fitness journey? You work out, but you’re not seeing the results you want? You eat fairly healthy, but you’d like to get better?

You’re not alone! I’ve been there! I’m passionate about healthy living and the gym is like home to me, but there are times when I am not sure what I’m doing there and I think maybe another hour of sleep would have been nice. The day before I probably ate a little more junk food than normal and I don’t feel my best. Every time I find myself here it’s because I don’t have anything that I’m working towards. It doesn’t take long for good habits to become derailed once you lose sight of why you wanted to be healthy in the first place.

So what do you do in times like this? Set a goal! Make a commitment to yourself. Write it down. Put it on your fridge, in your pocket, or anywhere that you will see it all the time! When you set a goal you are much more likely to do the things necessary to get there instead of just winging it and hoping you get better over time. If you don’t make a plan, you don’t know what direction to work towards! What I’ve found works best for me is to set one BIG goal that almost seems impossible and then set three small goals that will push me closer to the BIG goal! As I achieve the small goals I check them off and immediately replace them with more small goals.This keeps me on track because I’m accomplishing good things and it keeps me hungry for more!

Don’t wait for January 1st. Don’t wait for the beginning of the week. Don’t start tomorrow. Start today! If you don’t think you have the discipline to stay committed to a goal then find a friend to keep you accountable. Everyone has those days that they don’t feel motivated or don’t feel like working through the discomfort, but if your reason “why” is big enough you can push through those days and over come the discomfort because it’s worth it. One of my favorite sayings is “Get Comfortable With Being Uncomfortable!” On the days that I “don’t feel like it” I remind myself why I started chasing this goal and what I promised to myself and then I get to work!

Strength and growth come only through continuous effort and struggle. -Napoleon Hill

Goals give you something to aim for. A measurable result to channel your ambition towards. Setting goals can change the way you live! If I can, you can!

Eian Birtcher