New Phila Barbell Strength & Conditioning

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300 Rep Warmup

If you train with me, or have read some of my other articles, you know I’m not a big fan of warming up. No stretching, do a couple light reps, and you’re good to go. Lately, I have taken a different approach, thanks to Matt Wenning. I have started doing 3 different exercises for 4 sets of 25 reps before every workout, 300 reps of accessory work before you even get to your main lift! The intent of this is to get a healthy flow of blood into the main muscle groups you will be using that day, if you are feeling a burn or fatigue, you are going too heavy. It may not seem like much since you are going so light, but this is not the case. I used this method for 9 weeks while testing Old School Power (releasing soon). Face pulls were a warm up movement I did every day, non-negotiable. At the beginning of the program I was using 60 pounds on the cable machine, by the end of the program I was using 100 pounds, my total volume went from 6,000 pounds to 10,000 pounds daily! I also had a noticeable size difference in my upper back, all by compounding a light movement daily.

If you are someone who tends to skip warming up, I recommend squeezing this in at the beginning of your workout.

Bench Days: 4x25 each

Face pulls

Incline DB Press

Leg Extensions

Leg Days: 4x25 each


Hamstring Curls or Belt Squat

Standing Band Crunch

Arm/Back Days: 4x25 each


Calf Raises

Standing Band Crunch