New Phila Barbell Strength & Conditioning

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Want a big bench? Check out the two movements I used to increase my bench and set the current IPA drug tested record for Ohio.

Crossbody Skullcrusher

This variation of the skullcrusher is my favorite movement for building a big bench, for several reasons. The first reason is that it lets you target the long head of the tricep, which is where you get a large majority of your pushing strength. The second reason is the control you have over the movement, allowing you to load the tricep in a more similar manner to the bench, as opposed to a normal skullcrusher.

Keys to the Movement:

Support your arm by placing your hand on your bicep, ensuring your elbow on the active arm stays pointing at the ceiling.

SLOW DOWN, you want to focus on controlling the weight and actually loading the eccentric portion of the movement.

Keep the rep range low, I typically always program this for 6 reps each arm, and as the first accessory after pressing movements.

Band Pull Apart

Proper positioning, keeping the upper back tight, and building tension as you lower the bar during the bench press is critical for a strong press. When done with intention, the band pull apart is a great accessory to help out with this. 

Keys to the Movement:

Shoulder blades together and down. You should be in the same position/setup as your bench press

Focus on the contraction of the muscles in your back, and on the movement of your elbows, rather than actually pulling the band apart.