New Phila Barbell Strength & Conditioning

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Cutting Weight for a Meet

Pound for pound strength, that is the main focus in powerlifting, and why it has weight classes. To get into the weight class where you are most competitive, it can involve dropping weight to fit into the next lowest weight class. This past weekend I won the 165 class at the IPA Buckeye Brawl. To make this weight, I cut from 180 to 165.

To someone unfamiliar with cutting weight, this may sound unrealistic or even impossible, but most people do not realize how much you can manipulate the water weight in your body. There are numerous different methods out there to cut water weight, but I am going to outline the process that I use myself and for the guys that I train and prepare for meets.

Prior to meet week, training is normal and you should be drinking at least a gallon of water a day. Also, be sure to weigh yourself right before bed, and as soon as you wake up. Start taking note of how much weight you are “drifting” each night, it should be in the 3-5 pound range. Once Sunday rolls around I begin my water load. You want to be within 10 pounds of your goal weight.

Sunday- 1.5 Gallons of water, normal training, normal food intake, but higher sodium intake.

Monday- 2 Gallons of water, normal training, normal food intake, higher sodium.

Tuesday- 2 Gallons of water, normal training, fairly normal food intake, but start lowering your carbs and sodium.

Wednesday- 2.5 Gallons of water, normal training, about ¾ of your normal food intake, still cutting down on carbs and sodium.

Thursday- 0.5 Gallons max, cutting off water 20 hours before weigh in time. Light training, food intake will be dependent on your weight, at this point the actual weight of your food will play a factor. You will be using the sauna or hot tub to cut the remaining weight. It should not be too difficult to lose 5-7 pounds this day.

If you want to take it a step further you can drink distilled water for the final week, as it will flush from the body easier, and you can also utilize water pills or dandelion root to help flush the water as well.

Following weigh ins, you will want to start refueling your body with fluids, sodium, and potassium, to help regain your weight and strength.

*Cutting weight can be dangerous, and is not advised for beginner lifters*